The Road to Self Publishing- What’s a Revision Anyway?


I haven’t done one of these in awhile, (WordPress says two years? Yikes.) but it’s time for the next installment of The Road to Self Publishing, the series where I pretend to know what I’m talking about while going on my own journey to being a (hopefully selling) self-published author. If you haven’t read the previous entry, First Draft Done, Now What?, you can find it here, or you can find the master post here. As I said before, the master post will contain links to all other Road to Self Publishing posts, so if you’re not reading this one close to the post date, I’d check out that one.

Continue reading “The Road to Self Publishing- What’s a Revision Anyway?”

December One


It’s December! You know what that means? That’s right, it means:

The end of NaNoWriMo!

I’m proud to announce that I won it this year. How about you? Did you win? If not, how many words did you get?

Or maybe you didn’t participate in NaNoWriMo, so the beginning of December just means the dreaded holiday season. In that case, happy holidays!

With NaNo being over, I’ve now got more time to post here, so expect something within the next few days. Well, that’s all for today. See you on the next thing I post, and, whether you do NaNo or not, keep writing.


Forgive me, this one’s a bit late, but welcome everybody to NaNoWriMo! If you’re doing it, how’s it going? Are you ahead? Behind? Exactly where you need to be? Well, I seem to be doing pretty well, but I haven’t done one of the things that makes it feel real to me yet, so, I’d like to introduce my project for this year’s NaNoWriMo: ASH


It’s actually a rework of a previous NaNo project that has been sitting ever since. This year, I’ve decided to use NaNoWriMo as a sort-of revision pass for this book, since there are enough problems in the first draft to necessitate a full rewrite anyway. I think I’ll use this as a Road to Self Publishing post after NaNo is done, provided that this turns out to be a success.

But, while we’re here, does anyone want to share their NaNo project? Or maybe just add me as a buddy? You can find me here or drop something in the comments.

NaNo Prep

Is anyone else, like, way behind on NaNo prep? I don’t even have an inkling of an idea yet. By this time, I usually have something, but this year? Nothing.

With that said, who else is doing NaNo prep this month?  How’s it going? Are you disastrously behind? Or maybe you’re ahead of schedule? Do you even do that much prep in October?

The Forgotten- Redux

I’ve been much busier than usual this week, so I don’t have a story for you. I know I promised that regular posts would be returning this weekend, and I intend to keep that promise. So, with that in mind, I’ve prepared something a little different.

Instead of a story, I’m posting and excerpt from my work-in-progress, tentatively titled The Forgotten. For anyone who didn’t read my pre-NaNoWriMo posts, this is based on an earlier story I wrote by the same name. You can read that one here. So, without further ado, I present to you, and excerpt from The Forgotten. Continue reading “The Forgotten- Redux”



So, it’s officially December first. NaNoWriMo has come and gone. How did you all do? I am proud to announce that I won. It will be quite some time before there is an actual book from this, but I’ll let everyone know when I do have one.

In the meantime, regular weekly posts will resume this weekend. Is there anything you’d like to see here? Let me know.


So, it’s been over a week since NaNoWriMo started. How’s everyone doing? I’m doing well, as of writing my word count is 15,717. I know some of you may have already hit 50,000, but being on track is still good enough for me.

This brings me to the next thing I want to say. I haven’t made a story post in over a week and I’m very sorry about that. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my schedule of a story a week while also keeping up with NaNoWriMo. So, it is with a heavy heart that I must say, I won’t be posting another story until December. To anybody who reads and enjoys my stories, I’m sorry. There will be more in December.

One More Week!

So, there’s only one more week until NaNoWriMo! (give or take) Is everybody ready?

First things first. Things have been a little crazy for me this week, so the weekly story may be a little late. It will come, just maybe not by the weekend.

With that in mind, I want to talk about NaNoWriMo a little bit, and share what I’m doing. One of the big things I’m doing is prepping a little more than in the past. I’m using worksheets from here to develop my story. They are all very good, but the one that helped me the most is the plotting worksheet. If you haven’t got as much planned as you might have wanted, try them out, I think they’ll help.

I also thought I’d share a little bit about my story. This isn’t something I’ve done in the past, so let me know what you think. The story is called The Forgotten. It’s actually going to be based on a flash fiction I wrote by the same name. You can find that here. It won’t follow the main character of that story; however, it will follow a woman named Rayelle. Rayelle has heard stories like that for a long time. She was told that no matter what, she should never go outside at night. To do that would be certain death. One night, she had enough and ventured outside. To everyone’s surprise she didn’t die. She goes on a campaign to save as many people from the night as she can, until she catches the attention of entities that were better left alone.

I’m hoping it’ll turn out well. I’ll post more about it as it get’s going. In the meantime, what is everyone else doing? What exciting stories do you have bouncing around in your head? And most importantly, are you ready?

NaNo Prep!

So, as anyone who does NaNoWriMo knows, October is the official prep month. It’s the month to get outlines made, to get character sheets filled in and to stress yourself out before you even get started writing! It’s so exciting! So, my question is; if you’re doing NaNoWriMo, what are you doing to prepare? I know plenty of people are pantsers, but almost everybody prepares in some way. Even if it’s just getting extra snacks and making sure your writing space is extra comfy, it pays to be at least a little prepared.

As for me? Well, I’m doing the normal stuff. I’m thinking about how I’ll write it. Am I going to do pencil and paper, or write entirely on computer? What software will I use? For some reason, I always feel like I need to switch it up every year. This year, I have a dedicated writing laptop that only has writing software (Scrivener, FocusWriter) on it. I’ll also be using the default notes app on my phone for when I can’t get to the laptop. Nothing fancy there as the main reason for that is just to write down things real quick and transfer to the laptop later.

I’ve also been working on my writing habit since last year. I’ve been making sure to write at least semi-regularly, even if I don’t have anything in particular to say that day. You can only get better by doing, right? More recently, I made a promise to write in this blog at least once a week. So far, I’ve kept that promise (if you haven’t seen this weeks post, you can find it here) and I intend to keep it in the future. The posts may become more spartan during NaNoWriMo, but I fully intend to keep them coming.

Lastly, I’ve been working on the story itself. I’ve got a couple of important characters started and a bullet list of what needs to be included. It’s not exactly a plot outline yet, but I’m working on it. I may post pieces of my prep here later, but for now I’ll just leave you with the question. What have you done for prep?

It’s October!

So, it’s officially October first. October is the time of pumpkins and ghosts and ghouls and one of my favorite times of the year. So, in the spirit of the season, I’m going to be writing more scary stuff, creepypasta style. If you don’t know what creepypasta is, it’s sort of like campfire ghost stories for the internet. For more information go here. So, if you don’t like creepy or scary things, this is your warning. Most likely, not all the stories this month will be scary but check in this weekend for the first horror style story of the month.

The other great thing about it being October is that there’s only one more month until NaNoWriMo! Anyone else doing it this year? Let me know. I’m also going to try to post some NaNoWriMo related stuff up until the end of November. I’m pretty excited about it really. This is a new era for the site and I hope to see some people sharing it with me.