Everything Has a Price

Brian Hartford looked up at the building. It was definitely the right one. It was eerily quiet, like there was a bubble around the building that even sound couldn’t enter. He looked up. There were plenty of birds, crows probably, sitting on telephone poles, but none within fifty feet of the place. One took off and flew to the other side of the building, flying out of its way to stay at least fifty feet away from the it. How had he never noticed this before? He had been around the building plenty of times, it wasn’t exactly remote. How had he missed that not a single animal would go near the place? He had known that no people would go into it, but this freaked him out so much he almost turned and left. Almost. Continue reading “Everything Has a Price”


I love my mommy. She’s the best mommy in the whole world. She gives me hugs, and plays with me, and kisses me when I get hurt. There could never be a better mommy than mine. Continue reading “Mommy”

The Wonder Man

Have you heard of the Wonder Man? They say he can do anything. They say he’ll grant you anything you desire, if you get the chance. They say he’s wonderful. They say he’s terrifying. Continue reading “The Wonder Man”

Have You Forgotten?

You know that feeling when you walk through a door and forget why you came in? I’ve had that. Continue reading “Have You Forgotten?”

It’s October!

So, it’s officially October first. October is the time of pumpkins and ghosts and ghouls and one of my favorite times of the year. So, in the spirit of the season, I’m going to be writing more scary stuff, creepypasta style. If you don’t know what creepypasta is, it’s sort of like campfire ghost stories for the internet. For more information go here. So, if you don’t like creepy or scary things, this is your warning. Most likely, not all the stories this month will be scary but check in this weekend for the first horror style story of the month.

The other great thing about it being October is that there’s only one more month until NaNoWriMo! Anyone else doing it this year? Let me know. I’m also going to try to post some NaNoWriMo related stuff up until the end of November. I’m pretty excited about it really. This is a new era for the site and I hope to see some people sharing it with me.