NaNo Prep

Is anyone else, like, way behind on NaNo prep? I don’t even have an inkling of an idea yet. By this time, I usually have something, but this year? Nothing.

With that said, who else is doing NaNo prep this month?  How’s it going? Are you disastrously behind? Or maybe you’re ahead of schedule? Do you even do that much prep in October?

2 thoughts on “NaNo Prep”

  1. I had this big, elaborate plan for prep that I’ve fallen behind on. I have made a lot of progress, but I’m in no way close to where I wanted to be by this time. *sigh*

    Maybe you could start by picking a genre and exploring that? Of choosing a recent scientific or historical discovery to research and find some inspiration from? Just a suggestion! Good luck.

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  2. I popped a little post up on my blog today about my prep but I’m seriously behind!! On the plus side, at least I know I’m doing it. The first year I attempted NaNo, I only decided to participate the night before so it could be worse! Hope it all goes well for you.

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